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  • Kelsey Bergey

You Deserve Time for YOU

Stop being busy. Stop hustling constantly. Stop skipping self-care.

Start using your time intentionally and scheduling SELFCARE.

The term "selfcare" can be used in a million ways, here I want you to think about selfcare as legit taking care of yourself. Doing the simple things that make you feel alive, relieved or prepared.

As mom it is so easy to skip self-care because we spend so much time serving others. As a real estate agent I serve clients all day (and sometimes into the evening) then I come home to serve my family. Both of these things I love dearly. In the same breath, I know myself well enough to know that if I do not take time for my own selfcare I do not have the energy I want to pour into the other people that I want to serve and love.

Sometimes self-care is the little things. Taking a Sunday night hot bath with a face mask and no interruption, ordering supper on Friday night from a local restaurant, taking a walk alone, doing my morning workout with Nourish Move Love, reading before anyone wakes up, or spending time in my journal. Notice the key here is that I have "scheduled" times for doing theses things. I know Sunday is the perfect evening for a bath to reset before the week. I know I won't feel like cooking on Friday evening. I know I need to workout in the morning to guarantee it happens for me. What things fill your cup? What days or times do you need to put these things on your calendar? Yes, I mean that literally, if you aren't in the habit you need to schedule time for yourself.

Other days self care for me as something more. It’s taking the time for an hour massage, getting my nails done, going on a coffee date with a friend (without our kids so we can have an adult conversation).

Whether it is little things are big things taking time for my own self-care fills my cup and makes me a better person. And I’m confident it will do the same for you.

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